
a live Theatre stage show

Directed by: Josh Lindberg Designed by: Josh Lindberg Produced by: Colin Law, And The Johannesburg Civic Theatre Musical Direction: Janine Neethling Lighting Designer: Wesley France.

Starring: Nick Boraine, Michael Richard, Langley Kirkwood, Antony Coleman, Rob Van Vuuren & Jose Domingos.

This incredible piece of theatrical story telling was staged within a massive steel birdcage towering over the actors and rising above the audience...

The productions was nominated for 11 FNB Vital Theatre Awards

Winner: Best Production: -”birdy”

Winner: Best Director: -Josh Lindberg

Winner: Best Set Design: -JOsh Lindberg

Winner: Best lead Actor: -Nick Boraine

Nominated: Best lead Actor: -Langley Kirkwood

Nominated: Best lead Actor: -Antony Coleman

Nominated: Best lead Actor: -Rob van Vuuren

Nominated: Best supporting Actor: -Jose Domingos

Nominated: Best supporting Actor: -Michael Richard

Nominated: Best lighting design: -Wesley France

Nominated: Best costume design: -Josh Lindberg

if you look at it differently -there is always more...

spiral productions

live | 360º | immersive | multimedia | multidimensional | multiple-perspective | multilayered