Simon "Mabhunu" Sabela Film Awards -2014
Durban ICC
Creative Direction: Josh Lindberg Produced by: Asiboni Mbala Choreography: Somizi AV Content: Solid Black Technicals: Gearhouse
Staring: Zonke, Ringo, Danny K, The Claremont Choir, Bonnie Henna & Nik Rabinowitz.
Bringing Film and the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal to life.
Surrounding the audience with the potential of any idea… &, That idea coming to life before our very eyes through animated origami animations.
The Kwa Zulu-Natal Film & Television Awards, recognising and honouring practitioners in the Film & Television industry of KZN. The awards, which started in 2013, are an initiative of the Department of Economic Development Tourism and Environmental Affairs and are implemented by the KwaZulu-Natal Film Commission. Among those honoured, are actors, producers, directors and various film and television technicians.

Simon Mabhunu Sabela Awards 2014 Highlights…